God decided to make His Second Coming. He dictated this book from July 2010 to January 2012. He wants people to believe in this book so that he can bring paradise to earth.
The paradise he has promised to good people will be nowhere else but here on earth. When paradise comes to earth, all people will be able to live the paradise.
For paradise to come to earth, God’s basic laws of justice, love, and balance must prevail. A critical and hope-filled message from God.
Print Book ISBN: 978-618-85456-1-8
Pages: 199
E-Book ISBN: 978-618-85456-0-1
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Contents of the book
1. God Forgives and Loves
How we should pray
The promises of God
The Holy Communion
The marriage
The importance of virginity
The ideal sex
The baptism
2. God and the Universe
The Saints
The basic laws of the universe
Protection from demons
Two great inventions
The three laws of God that if we apply them, the earth can be saved
God wants children to be happy
3. God Loves and Gets Angry
The peace of God
The paradise on earth
The destruction of the earth
The interpretation of Our Father
The Second Coming of God
The laws of God
The ways God helps people
4. God and Money
The unfair trade competition
The secret of creativity
The right to self-expression
Why we must have justice, love, and balance
Life after death
The miracles of God
The prevention of drugs
Cure of mental illnesses
The protection of children
Children’s dreams
5. The Incarnations of God
The nearly modern ark
The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
How God delivered the Israelites
The difference between hate and anger
The perfect God
Satan’s “house”
The laws of God
Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise
How to cure mental traumas
The natural disasters
Consideration for others
The environment
6. God and Christ: The True Story of Christ
The crucifixion of Christ
The Second Coming of God
How Satan works
Second Coming: A Message of Hope from God

God decided to make His Second Coming. He dictated this book from July 2010 to January 2012. He wants people to believe in this book so that he can bring paradise to earth.
URL: https://www.secondcomingofgod.com/en/book-second-coming-a-message-of-hope-from-god/
Author: Petros Koumasonas